The EV3 Print3rbot can be built using the EV3 Home Edition set, plus a 3D printed pen holder, 2 LEGO Gear Wheel 40T (ref. 4285634) and an additional push button sensor (EV3 or NXT). The additional push button and the 2 gears are included in the EV3 education set.

The robot can draw simple svg files (as long as it only contains non transformed paths). See images/template.svg. You can as well use a mouse as input.

The python code is using the Python API from @ddemidov. To install it:

  • Prerequisites:

    apt-get install libboost-python-dev python-setuptools python-pil
  • Now, the actual module installation:

    easy_install -U python-ev3dev

The ev3dev version must be at least ev3dev-jessie-2015-05-01.

Example of extension for the EV3 Print3rbot:

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